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Pain to Purpose University is where you go when you're ready to ditch the cape, hang up the hustle and stop paying with pain. To the Black Women looking to live lives of healing and softness Welcome Home!

The Program Story

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For the high-achieving Black woman who has risen through the ranks by sheer grit and determination, yet secretly yearns for more ease, more self-connection - this sanctuary awaits you. Pain to Purpose University provides the exhale you've been craving, the initiation into your next embodied evolution. Get ready to shed incessant hustle in exchange for succulent thriving.


Pain to Purpose (C-Suite) Track
A 9-month experience crafted for the thriving Black woman blazing trails in corporate America. Finally, a path to soul-deep success without continuously sacrificing yourself along the way.


Pain to Purpose (E-Suite) Track
For the brilliant entrepreneurial spirit, this 12-month journey aligns purpose with prosperity. Build an empire activated by passion, not relentless hustle.

While both immersions share transformative core teachings, each track speaks precisely to where you are today - whether creating legacy in the boardroom or bringing visions to life as a business owner.


Pain to Purpose University is a sacred space for high-achieving women of color to exhale deeply. This is your permission to release the strong Black woman narrative that constantly demands you slay at all costs. We see you - heart gloriously open, still hungry for wholeness and maximum radiance.

For too long, you've ignored the whispers of your inner truth as corporate pressures or entrepreneurial ambitions overshadowed self-preservation. But denying your needs is unsustainable. Pain to Purpose provides respite - an opportunity to lovingly rebirth yourself while still wildly achieving.

Within these walls, multidimensional success arises as a natural symphony - your impact, spirit's calling, relationships and self-care existing in rich harmony. No more choosing between arrival and authenticity. You get to be fully immersed in yourself while creating the extraordinary life and legacy you crave.



Our core negative beliefs can often act as destiny disruptors, hindering our progress and limiting our potential. Therefore, healing these beliefs becomes essential for any journey we embark upon. It is crucial to build our future on a solid foundation, free from the shackles of self-doubt and negativity. By addressing and transforming these underpinnings, we can create a sure foundation that allows us to grow and thrive.


Without healing and overcoming our core negative beliefs, we risk perpetuating patterns of self-sabotage and limitation. So, let us prioritize healing as an integral part of our journey, ensuring that we have a strong and empowering base from which to pursue our dreams and aspirations. 


Pain to Purpose University was created and designed to help you disrupt and dismantle your purpose blocking mindsets so that you can #GetYourShiftTogether and thrive!

The Transformation

Introducing a revolutionary approach to transform your life and redefine success – Pain to Purpose University.


Are you a high-achieving woman of color feeling the weight of societal pressures and disempowering narratives? It's time to reclaim your power and reshape success on your own terms. Welcome to Pain to Purpose University, where our transformative Unconquered Framework will help you become Unbound, Unleashed, and Unconquered.


Transform Your Life with Purpose:

Imagine a journey where you are the architect, shaping a path free from societal constraints. Picture waking up each day filled with passion and purpose, serving clients aligned with your calling, nurturing meaningful relationships, and embracing a life of ideation and exploration.

This is the vision I'm here to help you pursue. Let go of the superhero cape, bid farewell to the hustle, and stop paying with pain. As your dedicated Success Strategist, specializing in disrupting purpose-blocking mindsets, I offer you a blueprint for advancement perfectly aligned with your calling.


The Unconquered Journey:

Pain to Purpose University guides you through 3 profound phases to revitalize your life's direction:

  • Phase 1: Reconnection Pillar 1 - Capture: Rediscover your truest desires buried beneath external noise Pillar 2 - Expose: Shine light on inherited beliefs and societal conditioning Pillar 3 - Examine: Dive inward to explore how past choices impacted your current path

  • Phase 2: Reframing Pillar 4 - Reframe: Adopt an empowered mindset to challenge limiting narratives Pillar 5 - Replace: Uproot self-doubting beliefs to cultivate self-trust

  • Phase 3: Rebirth Pillar 6 - Implement: Take tangible steps to turn your visions into reality

Pillar 7 - Thrive: Embody your highest self and step boldly into your purpose

Finally, step into your purpose with confidence and determination, thriving in every aspect of your life.


Community of Empowerment:

Join a supportive community of high-performing women of color on the same journey. Benefit from readings, assignments, 1:1 and group coaching sessions, and peer support through our dedicated Facebook community.


Is Pain to Purpose University for You? This is an intimate, intensive experience for you if:

  • You feel stifled by inherited narratives robbing you of joy

  • Self-doubt blocks you from fully pursuing your dreams

  • You crave an authentic life aligned with your deepest callings

  • You're committed to doing the transformative inner work

  • Creating success on your own terms is non-negotiable


Not the Right Fit If:

  • It's not the right fit if personal growth isn't a current priority.

  • You haven't reached the point of "bad enough" to instigate change.

  • You're channeling resources towards problems instead of investing in personal growth.

  • You don't feel a deep calling to collaborate with me.

  • You'd rather remain in your comfort zone than embrace the discomfort of necessary work.

Your Journey to Redefined Success:

The goal is to enable you to recognize and address limiting beliefs, embrace your true potential, and transition from PAIN to PURPOSE.



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