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That one race where I thought I lost it all........

I recently had a very sobering experience.

As a person of faith, I am no stranger to hearing others talk about the importance of timely obedience, and what it's like to witness someone executing an idea you failed to birth or being passed the baton for an assignment you failed to complete. The reason behind such beliefs and occurrences is that the mission is bigger than any one person and God is not going to wait forever for you to do what he said when there are lives that need to be touched.

The other day I came shockingly close to this. I'm in a season of internal shifting and have recently been distressed because I don't feel about my business the way I used to. It took me a minute to start asking the right questions, the ones needed to shift my experience & perspective like "What if I've transitioned from wanting to having without fully realizing it"? Which is exactly what had happened.

But while I was in that state of flux, minding my business, and scrolling on social I came across a post that stopped me in my tracks and caused me to lose my appetite. The mission was mine, and the language was eerily similar to my own (NOTE: This person did NOT steal my content or anything of the sort. I'm well familiar with their work and have seen the evolution firsthand) couldn't help but wonder if while I was contemplating what I'd do if I wasn't running A & O the baton had been passed without me knowing it.

Did I miss out on God's plan for me and my business because of the grumbles and complaints? Inaction? Especially for someone who values results, the way I do. As I continued to sit with the uncomfortability of my feelings something in me shifted.

Suddenly I was no longer distressed by the thought. Instead, I prayed. I thanked God for this person and the work they do. I thanked God for trusting the assignment to someone I knew was integral and operated with excellence. I thanked him for allowing me a front-row seat to this thing and finally said "Ok, if I've missed the boat here what is the next move"?

I was greeted with silence.

After sharing the experience with Michael and what my ultimate response was, there was a gentle voice that spoke to my spirit and said "Stay on the path that you are on" and just like that no more silence. I had my assignment back and realized that I never actually lost it to begin with. This was just a thing I had to pass through.

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