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The Meantime and Between Time….When Forgotten Prayers are Answered and Direction Changes

My business means a lot to me. For years I spoke that like my parents I’d retire at 50-55 and consult. It was my dream. I’d always known that I wanted to have a HUGE impact and work with women and girls specifically.

In 2018 at the age of 34 I developed a genuine interest in entrepreneurship and signed up for various workshops and seminars that were available to me. It was the first time I’d ever given any serious thought to what bringing this dream to life would look like and could entail. It’s worth noting that at the time I was still in corporate and desperate need of a break for personal and professional reasons. In fact, I’d told the Lord specifically that I’d like 1-3 years off to rest and recover while still being provided for. I ain’t wanna be home and broke!

Fast forward to January of 2021 I took a leap of faith that could be considered unwise and founded Alex & Olivia Consulting Co. I knew that this was something God had told me to do but with no further direction, I did what seemed right in my own eyes forgetting for a moment that God was in control.

I failed to recognize the season I was in and what God was trying to work in, though, and for me. As a result, I’ve experienced many fits and starts, when He spoke in recent months there was nothing more, I needed to do right now I just about hit the roof! I have a WHOLE business what do you MEAN I gotta sit down?! Didn’t you just tell me to do XYZ even dropping names in my spirit??? Crickets.

It wasn’t until I got still, REALLY still, and started asking different questions that I got the answers I was seeking and some I wasn’t.

God reminded me of my prayer for rest and provision. I was laid off at the end of 2021 and we will be relocating at the end of this year at which time there will be a rapid acceleration. I got 3 years off!!! He also shared some more intimate things about why this was not the season for certain things to come to pass. I cannot tell you the number of projects and opportunities I’ve had fall through for no apparent reason. No unpleasant exchanges, no lack of integrity on either end….every attempt to control the outcome and make things happen just failed. I am here.

This is where God also expanded my vision and told me some of what was to come. He showed Alex & Olivia being completely restructured, clarified my messaging and positioning, and more. He also shared that I would not have the same opportunities for rest that I do in this season. Something I’d not truly considered. So, I am at the moment minding not just my business but my obedience. Enjoying this season and releasing the need to control the outcome and my lingering need for outside approval.

This season has been well worth it, and I see just how vitally important it is for where I am going next.

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